Ibanez RG321MH Electric Guitar

With a Mahogany body and jumbo-sized frets, this guitar offers the room and tones for rich, warm leads.

Overall User Ratings (based on 64 ratings)
  • Overall:
    5 out of 5 stars
  • Sound:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Features:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Ease of Use:
    5 out of 5 stars
  • Quality:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Value:
    5 out of 5 stars
  • Manufacturer Support:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • The Wow Factor:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(64) (see rating details)
Submitted January 23, 2008 by a customer from aol.com

"Awesome guitar and what a steal of a price"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
Quality fast deep bottom pinched harmonics..it's got it all for the price BUY 2..I did
You can't beat the tonal superioirity of this guitar. DON"T let the price fool you..this guitar is all quality and plays like butter..rip away... The smooth satin mahogany body is not heavy..it is more comfortable than the nickel painted version which weighs 2 pounds more for some odd reason. They are both fantastic guitars with super fast necks . The pickups are not the best...if you change them out for $140 with DiMarzios the guitar is now worth $1000. It just sings...
For the cost there isn't a guitar that comes close. I played a show with mine right out of the box and tore up the stage..It felt and sounded great....Loud and distorted...the God inteneded
Ease of Use
No Problem shred away my friend
Really very very good
For this good of an axe it is dirt cheap
Manufacturer Support
No problems
The Wow Factor
The raw wood look is very minimalist..it says " i play this guitar because of the tone"

Musical Background:


Musical Style:

prog jazz, Metal, Rock, Latin
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Submitted May 18, 2008 by a customer from gmail.com

"It's certainly worth it, fullstop."

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I'm very satisfied with this product, and Ibanez should be very proud of this model too. It was worth the buy, and no other guitar brand seems to be able to sell us a guitar in this price range with the same value, in my opinion. If you one day think you'll end up owning a guitar with a tremolo bridge then i wouldn't recommend this guitar, simply because the fixed bridge is very different and you might have trouble getting used to palm muting on a tremolo bridge, after the ease of palm muting on the fixed bridge.
For the price, there is probably no better sound on the market. This guitar has a warm clean sound and a chunky and heavy distorted sound thanks to its INF3 and INF4 pickups. The 5-way pickup switch makes this guitar great for many styles, although i would mostly recommend this guitar for those in the metal genre, because it's distorted sound is overall it's best quality.
5-way pickup switching, brilliant fixed bridge which just about never goes out of tune, INF3 and INF4 pickups, volume and tone knobs. Overall it's quite basic, but great for a beginner.
Ease of Use
It's very very simple. Use the INF3 switch for warm sounds, use both the INF3 and INF4 for a balanced rhythm sound, and use the INF4 for more attack. If you're into pinch harmonics, use the INF4 pickup for the best sustain and clarity. Generally I use the INF4 the most, because i play metal.
I've had this guitar now for about 2 years, and so far I've had only one problem. I know 2 people other than myself who have this guitar, and 2 out of 3 of us had this problem. The soldering inside the connector jack of the guitar is very weak, and broke off on our guitars, so when we plugged in our cables, we only got a very loud buzzing sound. The problem itself is a quick fix if you have a soldering iron handy. It took me about 10minutes to fix it, and since then I haven't had any other problems with it. Other than this, the guitars quality is perfect. Theres no loose bits, the neck doesn't warp, and I've had no problems with the bridge.
The reason I got this guitar was because it was inexpensive, it sounded great, and I thought to myself I'll just get another guitar in about 3 years when I think I might need better for on stage and recording. So far I've found I don't actually need another guitar, but there's always something better out there.
Manufacturer Support
So far I haven't had to deal with support.
The Wow Factor
This guitar doesn't necessarily look like Jessica Alba but when you play it for the first time it's unique feeling and tone will surprise you. It's more sexy to play than to look at, that's for sure.

Musical Background:

Active Musician

Musical Style:

Metal; Progressive Metal, Death Metal, Heavy Metal, Old School Metal
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Submitted March 1, 2008 by a customer from msn.com

"Great guitar for an experienced or intermmediate player on a budget, A NICE CHUNK OF WOOD"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Don,t plan on looking for another guitar this does everything I need
This thing just rings on forever, a ton of sustain and tone
I love the way this thing is set up. The best of both worlds. I like a bolt on maple neck and I love a mahogany body. The bridge is like a hardtail on a Robert Cray Strat. Nothing extra that isn't needed
Ease of Use
You can pull harmonics out of this thing with ease and hold notes forever, playability is fantastic, it's like a Les Paul in a Strat body. I give it a 9 only because I prefer a single-coil at the neck but I can certainly live with that.
Well built, much better crafstmanship than the Squiers and Epiphones of the world for the same price or more. I give it a nine because I wish Ibanez would come up with a classier headstock. The chrome logo is pretty sweet.
you can't buy a better guitar for the money, period
Manufacturer Support
They neeed support?
The Wow Factor
Killer natural look must see to appreciate but I find the headstock hard to love

Musical Background:

Hobbyist, Former active musician

Musical Style:

mostly hard rock
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Submitted August 21, 2006 by a customer from hotmail.com

"Wonderful girl next door style shredder"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Keep in mind, the scores are given exactly as how i feel the guitar performed in eacfh field. I bumped it up to a 10 also because of the PRICE. YOU GET SO MUCH GUITAR FOR SO LITTLE MONEY. the way this guitar is playing and sounding now, i will probably play this guitar until it returns to the earth (breaks down) This is the perfect guitar for someone like me, and will not bother to look for a different guitar for as long as this is going ot be built and distributed. If it was lost or stolen, i would replace it with the same guitar or if i was feeling particularly the next step up which is the RGT42DXFX. its pretty much the same guitar with a few more perks. The only think i wish i had known about this guitar before i bought it was the fact that it existed. i would have bought this guitar years ago.
wonderfully warm and buttery smooth bottom end with easy to hear notes. standard dimarzio designed pickups do a good job, i switched the bridge pickup with a seymour duncan JB4 however just for that extra clarity for my Death metal style music.
now.. i rate this at a 10 mainly because i'm pretty much just a meat and potatoes kind of guy. 5 way switch, 2 knobs, and it never goes out of tune. There is timeless beauty in simplicity i don't like to chain 100 FX pedals, have 10 different switches on the guitar, or have 1000 different knobs on the amp with so called infinite settings. 5 way switch, 2 knobs, strings thru body set bridge and it never goes out of tune. There is timeless beauty in simplicity.
Ease of Use
wonderful feeling guitar, the balance is great when you sit down, or strap it on and stand up and rock out, plays REAL fast top to bottom. the jumbo frets make the guitar feel real fast as well as the barewood feel on the neck. no sticky feeling you would get with a gloss finish the cleaning and maintenance of this piece is nice due to the satin finish. NO FINGER SMUDGES
well i'll score it high for now just because i haven't had it for that long. but as it goes now, its a sturdy feeling guitar, the truss rod reacts well to adjustments and string tensions, the frets are well dressed, and all the internal wiring is well organized leaving plenty of room for any changes you want to make.
For the little amount of money i paid for this guitar is priceless, brand new, heavy sounding, fast playing, esthetically appealing piece of equipment.
Manufacturer Support
this my first ibanez so .. who knows?
The Wow Factor
the guitar is actually pretty plain.. matte black satin finish, no bindings, no flashy inlays, gunmetal knobs and pickup rings.. but the naturalness gives it a sort of girl next door kinda beauty. which is a refreshing breeze compared to the "makeup" showpieces like i had mentioned before, There is timeless beauty in simplicity.

Musical Background:

shredder, recording engineer

Musical Style:

death, thrash.. heavy
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Submitted October 16, 2009 by a customer from hotmail.com

"Great guitar, amazing value."

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
If anything happened to mine, I would immediately look for another. It's the best cheap guitar on the market.
Sounds sweet. The stock pickups are as good as any other in the price range, but maybe worth replacing if you're overly obsessive about tone. Personally, I hook it up through a Behringher V-Amp 2, which runs into my monitors. This can either give me a nice tone, or make it sound like the world is ending.
Mahogany body, ultra thin maple neck. Brilliant. The pickups are wired up nicely. I had a Floyd-Rose trem on my old Jackson Performer, and it was the worst part of the guitar - it kept knocking out of tune. Having a fixed bridge (as this has) is much better.
Ease of Use
Nice, simple, easy to play. Really fast neck.
Very well made. Nice weight. Looks great.
I got mine second hand for 100 euro (roughly $170). I would say it's easily the best guitar for its price.
Manufacturer Support
I've rated 10 just because I've never needed support. It's a really simple, hard-wearing guitar. There's not much that can go wrong with this. It won't break by accident.
The Wow Factor
It's subjective, obviously. If you like a matte, unvarnished mahogony finish then this is for you. It's cool because it's simple, and thus doesn't look like it's trying too hard (a la BC Rich). Also, as one of the previous reviews stated, it's immune to finger smudges!

Musical Background:


Musical Style:

Thrash metal, blues.
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Submitted April 8, 2008 by a customer from hotmail.com

"Ibanez,A quality guitar for all genres at a price everyone can afford!"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I feel that I'm always looking and that some things can be more appealing then others, for excample, in the past I would look for fancy looking guitars that were eye appealing to the crowd, but once you learn the bread and butter of it, you want a guitar that sounds great and plays better for your certain style and after trying this guitar it pleased me in every way that I was looking for and, as such, I bought it.If it were lost or stolen I would seek to replace it with another of the same.
First and most importantly i would characterize the sound as somewhat dirty through a clean amp.no crystal bell ringing sounds in any pickup position after adjusting pickup height.The sound quality would depend upon the style of music that you prefer to play.For example, blues played through the bridge pickup in the first position is dirty and reminiscent of stevie ray, and no distortion is needed if you have your volume up and treble knob all the way on. If you turn down the volume a bit and roll back some on the tone a bit, now you have BB King. If your amp has built in distortion,again on the bridge wide open treble all on, you can pull some pretty good metal and the wiz II neck really adds great distorted hammer ons and pull offs and the sustain rings forever and a day. In either mode I just described, your pick attack will really shine through enormously which is why I'm sure the luthiers at ibanez decided to use the INF3 and INF4 in thier infinate wisdom regarding pickup choice for this versitle axe.I love a bolted on maple neck (espically the wizard II) in combination with the fantastic tonal and sustain lasting abilities that you can only get from mahogany. Check your Gibson body's and Warmoth replacement bodies and a great deal of quality manufacturers out there who insist on nothing but mahogony.There is a reason.My music styles range between rock (old and new) blues,Jazz and country and this axe plays them all beautifully. This guitar and an epiphone blues amplifier w\lady luck speakers would be a match made in heaven. I hihgly recommend that, if you are searching for a guitar and you like mahogany teamed up with humbuckers and the renound wizard neck, this guitar deserves a close look, it is priced fairly,it is old school,very clean,easy to play, bound wizard neck and dual humbuckers that with the onboard conrols, can take you anywhere you want to go.
just clean, easy to use and no confusion as to which button or awitch to use, all straitforward.Again,the mahogony body combined with the wizard maple neck offer the best wood combinations available. And the INF humbuckers were a great addition for the versitle tones and added sustain.
Ease of Use
easy to use tone and volume controls and the pickup selector is just like that of a strat. the bound wizard II neck provides unprecedented action on a guitar of this price.making the playability most commonly described as butter.I also use a digitec rp 50 which i use on all of my setups as it works great and was very inexpensive and enables me to coax any sound I desire from my new rg321 guitar.
I always check out craftsmenship on anything that I buy as do most people. Cosmetically it is very clean and nothing out of whack. The reliability remains to be seen as I just got it but mahogany and maple---What could go wrong?I would not hesitate to take it on the road as it feels sturdier than my strat. I have a deluxe players strat.And due to the fact that my rg has no finish, my guess is that it will outlast my honey blond strat.
If you are a musician, you know by trying the product immeadiatly if it is worth the price or not. Ibanez mid priced guitars are worth every cent as the quality from my experience, usually surpasses the price. They seem to either hold or exceed their value.
Manufacturer Support
I have not had any reason as yet to deal with Ibanez and I have owned different Ibanez guitars in the past and have never had a problem with any of them.At one time I owned one of the very first les paul copies that Ibanez ever distributed when they first came out and it ended up worth more then a Gibson. It was a black beauty Ibanez and I wish that I still had it.I am no stranger to Ibanez, I am 59 years old and play a guitar every day and if Ibanez werent any good I would not continue to buy their products. I also own an original Ibanez rock and play which has been used almost weekly since it was new at least 10 years ago.
The Wow Factor
Once again the mahogany body and dual humbucker setup were very appealing, the bound wizard II neck is a marvel in and of itself. It makes great music with very little effort.

Musical Background:

Playing guitar since age 11 and am 59 years young now.While I am currently actively playing I have not been seeking a band, but

Musical Style:

I like old and new rock as well as jazz and country.
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Submitted December 24, 2012 by Norm J in Caribou, ME

"You will not find a better guitar for the price.... Period. "

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Excellent sound for all types of music. Very solid with exceptional balance. Definately a 9.9 out of 10.
Sounds great with any style. Love it!!!
Comes stock with excellent equipment like the smooth fast action renouned Wizard2 neck, inf3 &4 pickups that are very similar sounding to Dimarzio's. Smooth tuning keys and stays in tune even through a thrashing.
Ease of Use
It's a very basic we'll built guitar. Great for the beginner as well as a professional.
Very well built with simplicity which a good thing. This guitar will outstanding the test of time for years to come.
This guitar for the quality is very inexpensive. You won't find a better guitar on the market in its price range. I don't know how they are able to offer it so inexpensive. I paid $325 new for mine but would easily put this guitar in the $600 to $700 range.
Manufacturer Support
I've owned other Ibanezes in the past and have never had a problem with any of them.
The Wow Factor
The mahogany body makes it heavy which I personally love and provides great tone and sustain that just won't quit. It's a sexy guitar in my opinion.

Musical Background:

Been playing guitar for about 15 years. Also play drums.

Musical Style:

I like all types of music. Mostly rock and metal and country though.
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Submitted June 6, 2009 by a customer from hotmail.com

"Great Buy"

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
It's got a nice tone, but it's pretty bassy. I plan to swap the stock pick ups out for DiMarzios. Nice sustain.
Though the stock hardware is nice, i plan to change most of it. Just to make it more professional.
Ease of Use
Sounds good with almost all amp settings, the neck is thin and fast. Very, very light.
Takes a beating and holds up great.
Way cheaper than it shoud be. I'd expect an instrument like this to cost around 500-600$.
Manufacturer Support
Never had to contact. It's just a great axe.
The Wow Factor
Nice body style and beautiful finish. This picture does it no justice.

Musical Background:

Active Musician

Musical Style:

Progressive Death Metal/Deathcore/Fusion/Shred
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Submitted August 30, 2005 by a customer from hotmail.com

"My first and one of the best."

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Missing a few special things like whammy bars and things, its an all around good guitar for beginners and vets alike
Out of the box it sounds better than most guitars.. it's my first electric. Seeing as i'm a bass player alot of the time. You can throw it on any peddle and it sounds great. A really versatle Ax indeed. I can't wait to get my Dimebuckers and EMG's to stick in this b%$#@
It's missing some stuff but hey... what do you expect for a little under $300?
The fack that it has no real paint job is a bummer but this thing takes a good thrashing and sounds like it to.
Its my first electric guitar and i love it more than my $500 bass.
Manufacturer Support
Thanks to this guitar i play nothing but Ibanez.

Musical Background:


Musical Style:

Metal, Industrial
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Submitted December 18, 2022 by a customer from gmail.com

"Ibanez rg321mh"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I bought this guitar used on consignment in a local hole on the wall music shop for 200$. I had no idea the deal I just got until I got it home and plugged it in. WOW! The best playing guitar in my fleet. I strongly suggest if you come across one to snatch it up. You won't be sorry
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Submitted May 3, 2006 by a customer from hotmail.com

"if it were stolen, i would hunt down the the scumbag lowlife that took it and beat him to death with it. (im that confident it w"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
for under

Musical Background:


Musical Style:

metal, rock etc.
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Submitted May 22, 2009

"A poor man's PGM, incredible value, incredible tone, incredible feel."

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
This review has been selected by our experts as particularly helpful.
If I ever upgrade from this guitar it will be to an authentic PGM with a full authentic Paul Gilbert tone stack, which is like a $6000 purchase at least. This guitar is the next best thing and you won't be disappointed.
I was initially planning on ripping out the stock pickups in this guitar as soon as it arrived. In fact, I was so confident about doing it that I already purchased the replacement pickups in advance without a second thought. When the guitar arrived I was surprised how amazing it sounded out of the box! The INF3/INF4 pickups sounds very very similar to the very popular Dimarzio PAF-PRO pickups. The guitar is very heavy and this means very thick tone and incredible sustain. Now I'm actually debating whether or not I really want to replace the pickups in it!
One thing I've learned from a few years playing electric guitar is that most of the time less is more. Simplicitly pays off abundantly in robustness, and the RG321MH is no exception. One of the most popular complaints is probably the lack of a tremolo on the guitar. The fixed bridge adds a level of sustain and tone that cannot be achieved on tremolo bridges (trust me, I've heard them all). If I had to nitpick one thing that I wish the guitar had it would be a middle pickup for a little more tonal variation and some glassy clean tones, but for many styles of playing you probably won't really need it.
Ease of Use
The action out of the box on my guitar was set a little low so I needed to adjust it to remove fret buzz on the 5th and 6th strings but after that was done it played very well and very easily. The 'ease of use' factor of a fixed bridge and non-locking tremolo is still something I'm enjoying getting use to. Switching strings is quick and painless and you won't avoid doing it because it's a pain anymore!
It looks very good out of the box, and feels quite sturdy. The only complaint I could make here is that the frets were a little rough around the edges of the fretboard so when sliding you might feel it in your left hand's palm, again, that's really just nitpicking.
I can't seriously believe how great this guitar is for how little it costs. Being a Paul Gilbert fan myself I went looking for a poor man's PGM hoping to fix it up to what I needed it to be. It turned out I don't even need to do any fixing! I would've payed double what I paid for this guitar no questions asked having played it.
Manufacturer Support
Not sure as nothing has gone wrong with it. Either way I really think the support you get is more of a function of the shop you went through rather than the guitar.
The Wow Factor
Some would say this guitar looks plain, I personally think it looks sexy as hell. The weight and the feel of the raw mahagony body is incredible and the gunmetal controls and hardware really work well with the motif. It's not to want to put SOMETHING on the body, but hey, maybe that's a better way to go about it anyway, you don't want a guitar that looks like everyone elses do you?

Musical Background:


Musical Style:

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Submitted May 16, 2009 by a customer from yahoo.com

"great!cant beat this price for q!"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
overall great sound.that is the important thing and i guess u cant beat the price buy now.or i'll hit u:).
sounds amazing!!! it has a smooth buttery kind of sound that i love. great for jazz and best for rock.
the pickups are amazing if u want to sound like kirk this is the guitar and the wood body makes it sound smooth and thick
Ease of Use
fret board is outstandingly close to the stings great for rock and hammer-ons
the wood version that i have is kinda chiping away after a wile if u get the wood oil frequently other than that awesome!
great price u aint gona find anything this good for this price
Manufacturer Support
great for everything!
The Wow Factor
looks awesome sounds awesome y not?

Musical Background:

sond writer for 3 years played guitar for 9

Musical Style:

rock, jazz, world onbiance
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Submitted May 19, 2008

"Ibanez is the best production-guitar"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I love all my Ibanez guitars for their playability and value.
Very close to professional pickups.
Simple design, is easy to change strings and stays in tune.
Ibanez always impresses me with their quality control and design features. The laminated wizard II neck is really excellent!
Manufacturer Support
never had to deal with them
The Wow Factor
Even as a seasoned professional, I like these inexpensive yet nice-playing guitars from Ibanez.
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Submitted May 15, 2008

Ibanez RG321MH Guitar Customer Review

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
not going to replace this for a very long time. maybe the pickups if i want to get different sounds, but you really wouldnt need to change them other than for that reason. i wouldnt mind a tremolo guitar like the S470 or something at some point but im going to see if i can just get an effects pedal for this stuff first. its too nice to just replace for a new one already, certainly going to keep it going for much longer!
definitly better sound quality over my old fender squire guitar. the strings don't even buzz unless you really listen and force them too (mainly because of the humbuckler pickups - yay!) cant give this ten or anything cause ive not had enough experience, but i'd certainly say it sounds beautiful, with reallllly good sustain.
the componant selection is perfect. all the gear gives it great sustain and the blue colour is awesome. it looks black in the dark and changes between blue and green in the light. only thing i wish it had would be shark tooth inlays, but that is personal preference so you cant really count that =p lovely neck too, its smooth and allows for good, fast movement and control of play
Ease of Use
definitely easy to use! even a new guitarist could pick this up and play it without any trouble with maintenance... pretty much what i've done. the only thing i'd say got me was when i re-strung it. the bridge didnt sit flat but being a novice i probably did something wrong but it was easy to correct again so not a problem if new guitarists are planning on getting this guitar.
good quality, perfectly smooth finish with no faults that i can see. very reliable so far, but i've only had it for 6 months ^.^ sturdy as anything really with the solid body, so i dont worry that its going to break. i would gig with this if i got the opportunity.
again, not 10 as i dont know enough about pricing for guitars, but hey it worked for me. seems to be a very good deal for money however! totally worth every penny!
Manufacturer Support
never dealt with the company, had this for quite a while now and no major problems.
The Wow Factor
saw it in the shop window... then it was mine! i had only been playing guitar for about 2 months at the time - that should say a thing or two. the colour of 'royal blue' is particularly impressive for the tonal range which i didnt really notice until i brought it (as mentioned before). that really made it all the more worth the while. all the guitars ive seen are plain black or something, not a funky colour like this one!

Musical Background:

i play electric guitar as a hobby. playing for almost a year now.

Musical Style:

rock-metal or acousticy stuff... it varies
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Submitted January 5, 2008

"kick ass guitar"

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
it's a little basic, but it has an impresive and agresive sound.
Ease of Use
it's really comfortable, excelent neck, ibanez it's always kickin' asses.
I use the guitar in a very tought way, and it looks like new, mohany oil one is exc.
i would paid more...
Manufacturer Support
never deal with ibanez yet.
The Wow Factor
super sexy, every girl I know, say it's incredibly nice, and the feel like huggin it.
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Submitted October 23, 2007

"killer guitar for fast players with a heavy sound"

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I may get rg370dx aswell but this is a complecation free work hores with out the tremalo B.S.
This guitar has a good solid heavy sound due to the fixed bridge and humbucker setup,wich is great for heavymetal,rock,funk and blues in my opinion.I use 10 gauge strings
nice,simple and reliable
Ease of Use
its easy
I would say that the surfice of the body is the cheapest part,every thing else is great.
Its a very good deal for the price.

Musical Background:

18 years

Musical Style:

rock funk blues heavymetal
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Submitted April 1, 2006

"Want Metal cum Accoustic"

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Good Sound....stands mid-way b/w Metal and accoustic.....for pure metal fan....i wud say invest a little more...if u need an accoustic touch,..not bad for the price....
Ease of Use
easy to use......i use a ZOOM GFX 5..really good one
good for the price
Manufacturer Support
had to replce it once good service overall...
The Wow Factor
m looking for a better one now:)

Musical Background:


Musical Style:

Rock, "Alternative", "Country",
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