Overall User Ratings (based on 127 ratings)
  • Overall:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Sound:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Features:
    4 out of 5 stars
  • Quality:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Value:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • Manufacturer Support:
    4.5 out of 5 stars
  • The Wow Factor:
    4 out of 5 stars
Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(127) (see rating details)
by a customer from yahoo.com

"Simple and affordable.Great scetchpad."

Overall: 4 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
Overall for what im doing with it i love it.Im not gonna use it for a full band recording but to do little tracks for the other band members so they have something to go by,its perfect.I gotta add the lightning fast shipping and easy to use checkout.
Im glad i bought this before i read the reviews.It sounds great in my crate g20c xl.The only problem i had was when i used the built in chorus of my amp.It didnt record well at all.Thats where i got the wobble recording that other users are describing.Me being patient i went back in the room and used my boss metal zone and regular sustain channel through my trusty crate and low and behold it worked great.My singer heard my recording on the phone and commented that it sounded professional.Bottom line:Theres a warranty and its affordable so use your own judgement.
It has the basic tools to record.the 4 tracks are so easy to figure out that my 2 yr. old could do it.I wouldve liked more options but then again i couldnt afford any higher.The features in the fx12 are getting the recordings to my singer to write over and thats all i need.DONT FORGET TO GRAB HEADPHONES.I wish they wouldve came with it.
For the price i give it a 10.I think if i keep using it at home and take care of it i wont have any problems.I dont see anything that would break easy.Maybe if you drop it but its built well.
Its well worth the price.It beats out buying used ones that could have problems.
Manufacturer Support
Any problems ive had were taken care of.
The Wow Factor
I wanted more but again i couldnt afford more.It looks and sounds great.

Musical Style:

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Submitted September 10, 2005 by a customer from hotmail.com

"GREAT for what it is"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
This thing's great! I expect to use it for a while. note: it DOES playback when recording another track
For tape quality this thing has really good sound...not much fuzz or hiss.
The only things this lacks are effects and an undo button haha. I think it should come with a 4-track tape too.
This thing really is cool looking. It doesn't look like it would break very easily.
If tapes weren't out-dated this could be worth more...
Manufacturer Support
haven't needed it
The Wow Factor
I saw this an wated it immediately...only $100..nothing much but enough to make a demo..

Musical Background:

Bassist in band

Musical Style:

11 of 12 people (92%) people found this review helpful. Did you?
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Submitted December 13, 2004 by a customer from aol.com

"Hot Fostex... the warmth and simplicity of cassette recording"

Overall: 4.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
Verified Customer zZounds has verified that this reviewer made a purchase from us.
This is a great recorder for my goals..guitars and vocals. I'd replace it if it were stolen. I've owned Fostex in the past and they last forever!
Great sound with warmth of cassette recording..mics guitars really well. Vocals are good and clear
Very nice and compact unit ..no negatives
A real value
Manufacturer Support
Fostex has always been receptive but I haven't had any problems with their recorders

Musical Background:


Musical Style:

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Submitted April 14, 2004 by a customer from hotmail.com

"I've recorded on Fisher Price products that sounded and worked better"

Overall: 0.5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
I replaced it with a Tascam. It works great. Fostex is horrible.
Unless you have a $1200 dollar computer program good luck getting anything you record on this to sound worth a crap. Play back is horrible and you can't record more than two songs on one tape. I sent my back for repair after 2 weeks, then Fostex sent it back, with the same problem. Now I use it for a door stop.
The only feature is a volume control.
If you like your tape to slow down and speed up when your adding a second track you'll love this hunk of junk.
If you really want this thing, take $100 bucks and flush it down the commode. Then at least your money will be going somewhere.
Manufacturer Support
Fostex was not friendly, and not willing to help. I will never buy another Fostex product again. Now I have a Tascam and I love it.
The Wow Factor
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