Yamaha TYROS 61-Key Digital Workstation

No longer available at zZounds
Color VGA screen. Lyric and score display. USB connector. Shown with optional speakers and stand (not included).

TYROS Digital Workstation
Yamaha has taken some of the innovative concepts and features of its Clavinova(R), Synthesizer, Pro Audio and Portable Keyboard line, added a brand new technology called Mega Voice(R), and put it all together in a futuristic keyboard called TYROS. It's groundbreaking, it's exciting, it's cutting edge and it just may be the finest keyboard you have ever heard, seen or played. It combines the quality of sound, stylistic detail and ease of use of a Clavinova digital piano, incredible editing control over sounds and sequences like their professional Motif(R) synthesizers, built-in mixer technology and DSP effects from their world-renowned Pro Audio experience, and the ability to carry it under one arm from their Portable Keyboard Department - it weighs in at a mere 27 pounds.

Mega Voice Technology - A New Unparalleled Realism
TYROS is the first keyboard from Yamaha to include a brand new technology called Mega Voice. So, what is Mega Voice Most digital keyboards create their sound from recording or sampling instruments and when you press the keys, you're playing back the sample. Previous to Mega Voice Technology, in traditional sampling, an instrument's pitch was recorded at different increments (C C# D D# etc.) and that was about it. Unfortunately, that leaves out a lot of the subtle nuances that make an instrument sound unique. For example, on a guitar, traditional sampling would miss the string and pick noise. Yamaha Mega Voice technology provides read more open and mute string sounds, dead notes, hammering effects, slide effects, harmonics and a wide range of strum and body noises - putting back the missing elements that take a sampled guitar from sounding like a guitar played on a keyboard to a Mega Voice sampled guitar that sounds like, dare we say, a guitar!

Once you hear the difference, you'll never want to go back. In technical terms, Mega Voice duplicates an instrument's behavior. In sonic terms, this gives TYROS stunningly realistic sounds.

Color VGA Screen and Panel Lights -TYROS Looks as Good as it Sounds!
With TYROS, the most visually compelling thing you notice right away is the screen. First, it's color - incredibly bold and clear color. Secondly, the angle is adjustable. Third, it locks flat for transportation. And finally, you can adjust the contrast. This color control center is surrounded by the many buttons and switches that you use to operate the keyboard. Conveniently, many of the panel buttons have lights, making the keyboard easy to negotiate even in less-than-optimum lighting situations.

Believe Your Ears!
A keyboard's most important feature is its sound. More Wave ROM (that's where the voices are stored) usually translates to better sound. TYROS has an outstanding 96MB of Wave ROM packed with some of the finest voices you have ever heard - over 1100 voices in all. You'll find many new Live!, Cool and Sweet voices and 36 Drum Kits in addition to the new Mega Voice sounds. The Organ Flutes on TYROS use Modeling Technology introduced on the 9000PRO - a whopping 91 independently oscillating voices to simulate the rotating tone generation wheels found in classic organs. And now, with the color screen, all of the functions like realtime virtual drawbars and rotary speaker switches are photo-quality representations of the originals. You won't believe your ears - or your eyes.

Of course, no professional Yamaha digital workstation would be complete without a full complement of XG voices and with TYROS you can be assured that XG and General MIDI sequences will sound their absolute best. In fact, TYROS is fully XG, GM and GM2 compatible.

Make Your Own Kind of Music
The 300 musical Styles found in this digital workstation are best described as having a backup band at your fingertips. Choose a category of music (like Rock, Country or R&B), select a Style from the menu and play your favorite song. It's that easy. Each Style has up to 8 different musical parts that provide drums, bass, guitar, horns, strings and any other musical instrument that suits the genre of music you have selected. TYROS also features many different types of Accompaniment Styles. Pro-styles provide professional and exciting arrangements combined with perfect playability. Session-styles automatically enrich the player's chords with additional color notes or even harmonic progressions. Basic-styles cover a wide range of music while the arrangement is kept basic and generic, and therefore extremely versatile.

In addition to the many different chording techniques provided on previous Yamaha keyboards, TYROS also includes an AI (Artificial Intelligence) mode in both dedicated left hand mode and full keyboard mode. For example, in left hand mode, you can play chords using 2 notes and TYROS will select the correct chord, based on the previous chord, allowing you to do descending bass lines without switching to "On Bass" mode.

Yamaha has always had great Styles, but with TYROS, they are taken to new heights of realism because of the Mega Voice Technology. An example is the new Unplugged Styles. Because the Unplugged Styles are guitar-focused, a major amount of time and effort was dedicated to making sure that these Styles "voice" like a guitar would, on both regular and extended chords. For the ultimate realism, the guitar parts in these Styles were actually played (and programmed) by an LA session musician using a Yamaha Pacifica Guitar with a G50 MIDI converter! You can rest assured that their Global Style Programmers take all of the work out of making realistic band tracks that you can use for live performance, studio work, song writing and MIDI file creation. With TYROS, just do what you do best - sit back and play.

More Variety
Looking for musical Styles for your local church choir? TYROS has you covered with many new additions to their gospel section. They're so good, you'll want to get on your feet and clap along. How about jazz? One of the goals of the U.S. part of the Global Style Team was to incorporate some Styles that would work for hobby and gigging musicians that like to play jazz. The goal was to make it so you can grab your favorite fake book, sit down, select a jazz style and play. Great detail was spent on the walking bass and guitar parts, making sure that they voice correctly for extended chords (like 13s, sharp and flat 9s and sharp 11 chords). When you get your hands on a TYROS, try the Slow, Moderate and Fast Jazz styles and the Slow and Moderate Jazz Waltz styles. They really swing!

This same team of programmers also decided to apply their musical knowledge and expertise to some of the R&B and Latin styles in TYROS. When you combine this extraordinary programming ability with the tremendous sounds in the keyboard, you can't help but make good music. You can use the built in Styles, play Styles directly from floppy disk or optional hard drive, purchase Styles at http://www.yamahamusicsoft.com, search the Internet for Yamaha Styles that other customers have created, or create your own. And TYROS is backward compatible with Styles created for other Yamaha products.

Ease of Operation
Getting where you want quickly, without pressing a lot of buttons, was first and foremost when designing the panel layout. For example, for live playing, the Music Finder feature lets you can call up a song by title, and TYROS will automatically set itself up with the right musical Style, tempo, sounds and DSP effects. All you have to do is start playing. One button press brings up well over 1400 entries - with room for many more of your own. In addition to that, four fully programmable One Touch Settings per style and unlimited Registration Memory locations (memory permitting) allow you to recall your favorite keyboard settings at the touch of a button, while the Disk Direct function eliminates having to wait for songs and styles to load.

The Direct Access button makes navigating through functions and menus easier and quicker than ever. For example, to change the foot pedal function, press Direct Access and press the foot pedal. The screen instantly changes to allow you to adjust the foot pedal parameters.

Vocal Harmony & Lyric Display
TYROS is equipped with a professional Vocal Harmony function, which transposes your voice in realtime, allowing you to back up your singing performance with stunning 4-part harmony (including your original voice). In addition to ambient reverbs and lush choruses, a vast selection of dedicated vocal effects are provided, including insertion effects, noise gate, compressor and 3-band EQ. When using disks with lyric information, TYROS will display the lyrics in the color VGA screen as well as output the lyric information to an external TV monitor. New features in TYROS allow the user to disable all screens the audience sees except the lyric screen - no more distractions while you setup the keyboard for the next song.

Score Display
In addition to the lyric display, TYROS also features Score Display. Score Display opens the door to many state-of-the-art features not found in other keyboards. For example, you can make TYROS display any track you select in a MIDI file, or display piano style notation with two tracks at once (bass & treble clefs). It's like having the sheet music in front of you. And speaking of sheet music, did you know that Yamaha offers "digital sheet music"? It's called Scorch/XF and to see the ever-growing library of music, go to http://www.yamahamusicsoft.com/scorch. Once the digital music is in the keyboard, the color display will show the lyrics, chords and notation, just like on regular piano/vocal sheet music.

In addition, you can select a Style to play along with your digital sheet music, and the Style will "read" the chords and play in time as the music advances. You can easily mute the left and/or right hand sheet-music parts and play these parts yourself. Practicing and learning new music has never been this fun before. The keyboard will even display the note names, for those that would like to learn to read music. Of course, anything you record on the TYROS digital workstation can be notated, allowing you to view the different tracks of your own arrangements and compositions.

CueTime and Vocal CueTime
In addition to the other Score features above, TYROS has some unbelievable features for people looking to have the keyboard help them along a little. CueTime is music (MIDI files) that actually follows you. It speeds up, slows down and will even stop and wait for you to find the next note. It's like having a built-in tutor. Vocal CueTime takes the technology a step further - the keyboard actually follows your singing! Using Vocal CueTime disks or any MIDI files that include the melody (for example: Tune1000(R)), you simply sing along to your favorite songs by following the bouncing ball as the lyrics advance. If the song file contains harmony information, the keyboard will add harmony in appropriate places. It will also stop and wait for you to sing the next note. But here's the really fascinating part - you don't even have to play the keyboard. Just sing. The keyboard "listens" to you as you sing and advances the music as you sing the notes. Simply amazing!

Top-Quality Onboard Effects
Yamaha has long been a world leader in digital signal processing technology. In fact, Yamaha professional audio products are found in most professional recording studios around the world. TYROS takes full advantage of this know-how, giving you an extensive range of top-quality digital effects, including 34 reverb types, 26 chorus types and five blocks of 183 insertion effects ranging from spacious delays to cutting edge distortion. Also provided are combination effects and an amazingly realistic rotary speaker effect. In total, TYROS is capable of producing 12 simultaneous DSP effects!

The USB connector on TYROS opens up the keyboard to computer connectivity. Now, when you want to name songs and directories, simply connect to your computer, and edit directories and files to your hearts content. You can copy, delete and move files between various storage devices (Flash ROM, floppy disk drive, optional hard drive) and your computer and organize your data into directories. Yamaha also includes a voice-editing software program that allows you to edit the internal voices in TYROS from your computer using a graphical interface. In addition, you can open your favorite computer music-sequencing program and the TYROS USB will act as a MIDI interface providing 32 channels of MIDI. TYROS is also equipped with MIDI A/B In & Out ports.

128 Notes of Polyphony
Polyphony, the number of notes a keyboard is capable of playing simultaneously, is like the horsepower of a car - the more there is, the more power you have. As stated earlier, the TYROS digital workstation is capable of 32 channels of MIDI over USB. You are also able to layer 3 voices in the right hand in addition to a separate left hand voice while the MIDI channels are playing back (that's 36 simultaneous tracks) or when the Style engine is turned on. With this kind of capability, even the conventional 64 notes of polyphony featured on most other music workstations can run out quickly. TYROS features 128 notes of polyphony, freeing you up to add those musical tracks without having to worry about note dropout.

16-Track Sequencer & Song Position Pointer
The onboard sequencer provides a large recording capacity of 35,000 notes. Four record modes are available: Quick Record mode for easy and convenient recording with dedicated buttons on the panel; Multi-track Record mode for independent recording and editing of up to 16 tracks; Step Record mode for accurate recording and event-level editing; and Chord Step Record mode for precise recording of chord progressions and pattern variations. In addition, TYROS introduces a new feature to Yamaha keyboards called Song Position Pointer. This feature allows you to mark sections of a MIDI file that TYROS will either return to when you press a button or loop between. Very handy for live players when they want to repeat the last chorus of a song a few times because they have a full dance floor.

Flash ROM Operating System
The TYROS operating system (built-in software that gives the keyboard its functions) is stored completely in flash memory, which means that updating the keyboard with the latest OS version is as easy as downloading it from Yamaha's Portable Keyboard Website: http://www.yamahapkclub.com

PSR-9000 & 9000PRO Compatibility
TYROS is compatible with the large selection of PSR-9000 and 9000PRO software available on the market. And if you happen to be upgrading from these keyboards, you'll be able to import most of your old data, including Registration Memory settings, Custom Styles, Multi Pad settings and Custom Voices* made from sampled waveforms.

*Custom Voices that use PSR-9000/9000 PRO ROM waves are compatible with TYROS.

Optional MFC10 Foot Controller
Yamaha's MFC10 Foot Controller is the ideal match for the TYROS Digital Workstation. With the MFC10, you can freely control Auto Accompaniment Styles and select Registration Memories without ever taking your hands off the keyboard. Plus you can use the foot pedal for realtime control of volume, expression, brightness, effects depth and more.

Audio Outputs
In addition to the main stereo outputs, two auxiliary audio outputs are provided for you to make sophisticated mixes by routing voices or the Mic signal separately to an external mixing board or effects processors. In addition, TYROS has L/R loop send and loop return with trim.

Other Features
If you go and audition a TYROS, check out the demo. There is a two and a half minute overview that explains the Mega Voice Technology with musical examples. Then, if you would like to learn more, there are submenus that will take you through just about anything you might want to know with A-B examples and explanations. In all, there is about an hour's worth of demonstrations built into the keyboard. In addition, the demo (and built-in on-board help) is available in six languages.

Other features include the ability to record and play back at tempos from 5-500 bpm, full tuning capability in 0.2 Hz increments, -2 to + 2 octave change on parts, as well as dedicated Upper Octave buttons for quick changes while you play. Other controls include pitch bend and modulation wheels. And when you're looking for something that will spice up your performance, hit one of the four Multi-pads and TYROS will play an appropriate phrase or loop that matches whatever chord you're playing. Or, depending on the style of music you're playing, the keyboard may select some drum fills and flams. It's fun and on-the-fly creative. You can also record the Multi-pad parts into your sequences. Very cool.

If you like, Songs, Styles, Voices and other data can be viewed as a list in the display. To make selection easy and fast, TYROS introduces a new function called 10-key that works in conjunction with the list view. Using the buttons under the display, 10-key allows you to simply enter the number of the item and it's instantly selected.
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Keyboard: 61 Keys (C1 ~ C6) with Touch Response (Initial Touch / After Touch)

Polyphony: 128 notes max.

Display: Full Color LCD. Contrast and Angle are Adjustable

Languages: English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Spanish (Demo & Help User Selectable)

1149 Preset: Voices + 36 Drumkits 403 Voices (393 Normal Voices + 10 Mega) + 10 Organ Flutes + 480 XG Voices + 256 GM2 Voices + 31 Drum Kits + 5 SFX Kits

Mega Voices: Steel Guitar, Hi String Guitar, 12 String Guitar, Clean Guitar, Overdrive, Distortion, Acoustic Bass, Finger Bass, Pick Bass, Fretless Bass

Sweet! Voices: Oboe, Violin, Harmonica, Mandolin, New Alto Sax, Mute Trumpet, Flugel Horn, Tenor Sax, Clarinet, Trumpet, Flute, Soprano Sax, Trombone, Pan Flute

Live! Voices: French Horns, Sax Section, Steel Guitar, Grand Piano, Brass Section, Nylon Guitar, Strings, Gospel Choir

Live! Drums: Live! Studio, Live! Standard, Live! Funk, Live! Brush, Live! Percussion

Cool! Voices: Clean Guitar, Jazz Guitar, Vintage Electric Guitar, Electric Piano, Jazz Organ

Sound Creator: Save to User Drive, Floppy Drive or Opt. HDD - Unlimited *1

Custom Voice: Normal Voice: 128 Max. *2, Drum Voice: 10 Max. *3

Organ Flutes: 10 User Organ Flutes presets in memory at one time (can be saved in any disk or user location) - Nine Footages using Modeling

Voice Layer: Right1, Right2, Right3 (You can layer up to 3 voices at a time)

Voice Split: Lower1 (with hold function)

Reverb: 34 Preset + 3 User

Chorus: 26 Preset + 3 User

DSP for Styles: 183 Preset

DSP Effect for R1: 183 Preset + 10 User

DSP Effect for R2: 183 Preset + 10 User

DSP Effect for R3: 183 Preset + 10 User

DSP Effect for Left: 183 Preset + 10 User

DSP for MIC: 183 Preset + 10 User

Poly/Mono: Yes - Portamento Time is adjustable in Mono Mode

Vocal Harmony: 60 Preset + 10 User (3 note polyphony max.)

MIC Effects: Noise Gate, Compressor, 3 Band EQ

Harmony/Echo: 17 Presets

Master EQ (5 Band): 5 Presets + 2 User

Part EQ (2 Band): 29 Parts (R1, R2, R3, Left, Style x 8, Song x 16, Multi Pads)

Master Compressor (3-Band): 5 Presets + 5 Users

Touch Response: 5 Presets (Off Level adjustable)

Tempo: 5 ~ 500

Transpose: -12 ~ 0 ~ 12 (Assignable Keyboard/Song/Master)

Tuning: 414.8 ~ 440Hz ~ 466.8

Upper Octave: -1, 0 +1

Part Octave: -2, -1, 0, +1, +2

Real-time Controllers: Pitch Bend Wheel, Modulation Wheel

Preset Styles: 300 Preset Styles in 10 Categories

User Styles: Save to User Drive, Floppy Drive or Opt. HDD - Unlimited *1

Disk Direct: Yes (Style will play direct from disk - just like the Internal Styles)

Format: SFF (Style File Format)

Control: SFF (Style File Format) Intro x 3, Fill In x 4, Break x 1, Main Sections x 4, Ending x 3, Fade In/Out, Tap Tempo, Sync Start, Sync Stop, Ritardando

Parts: 8 Parts with full mixer control

Fingering Types: Single Finger, Multi Finger, Fingered, On Bass, Full Keyboard, AI (Artificial Intelligence) Fingered, AI Full Keyboard

1-Touch Setting: 4 per Style - Fully Programmable

Music Finder: 1446 Records - Fully Programmable up to 2500 records

Registration Memory: 8 Switches Banks + Freeze Function (Save to User Drive, Floppy Drive or Opt. HDD - Unlimited *1)

Multi Pads: User Control Pads 1/2/3/4, & Stop (Save to User Drive, Floppy Drive or Opt. HDD - Unlimited *1)

Disk Direct: Disk Direct Playback with Ultra Quick Start function

Selection: Six dedicated buttons (user assignable) for Song Locations (FD, HD or User Drive) + Chain, Random and Next

Playback Control: SP (Song Position) 1-4 + Loop (Programmable) - Jump to 4 song positions. Loop playback available

Number of Songs: Unlimited *1 - Save to User Drive, Floppy Drive or Opt. HDD

Tracks :16

Recording: Quick Rec., Multi-track Rec., Step Rec., Chord Step

Capacity: Approx. 35,000 Notes

Lyric: Lyrics Display (For MIDI files that have lyrics)

Score: Zoom in/out, User can select which tracks to display; Note Names, Lyric & Chord Display On/Off

User Drive: 3.3MB - Max. 250 files & folders per folder.

Floppy Disk Drive: 3.5 in. 2HD/2DD - Max. 250 files & folders per folder. Max. 224 Files & Folder in the Root Directory.

Hard Disk Drive: Optional 2.5 in. IDE HD - Internal Max. 250 files & folders per folder. Max. Height 12.7 mm Max. Capacity: approx. 40 GB (Logical size: approx. 137 GB)

Video Out: NTSC, PAL - User selectable Screen Content (Lyrics only or LCD Contents Mirror)

USB: USB Slave x 1 (USB Version 1.1). MIDI x 2, Voice Edit, Storage drive maintenance (copy, paste, rename, move etc.)


Foot Control - User Function Assignable: Foot Pedal 1 Default Sustain / 2 DSP Variation / 3 Volume

Phones, Line Out Main (L/L+R, R), Sub 1/2
Loop: Send (L/L+R, R), AUX In Loop Return (L/L+R, R), Trim Vol.
To: Sub Woofer L/R, To Left/Right Speaker
MIC/Line In - Dynamic MIC (Imp. 250 ohm recommended) Trim, Input Volume, Signal/Over Indicator.

Power Supply: AC (Inlet)

Dimensions: 45.24 x 16.9 x 5.4 in. W x D x H (1,149 x 428 x 137 mm) Without Music Rest, Speakers & other projections

Weight: 27.38 lbs (12.4 kg)

***Shown with optional speakers and stand (not included).

*1 Because the file is saved in the User Drive, Floppy Disk or Hard Drive, the maximum number is limited according to the capacity of the drive and the maximum number of files and folders in a folder.
*2 The number of voices differs according to the selected voice and/or way of editing. For example, if Live! GrandPiano is selected and saved as it is, up to 94 voices can be saved.
*3 The number of voices differs according to the selected voice and/or way of editing. For example, if Live! Standard Kit is selected and saved as it is, up to 10 voices can be saved.

For support or warranty questions, please contact the manufacturer:
Phone: 714-522-9011
Web: https://usa.yamaha.com/support

Reviewers gave this product an overall rating of 5 out of 5 stars. (184 ratings)
Submitted February 17, 2007 by a customer from wmconnect.com

"Just a Dream Machine !!"

Overall: 5 out of 5 stars
(see rating details)
It will be Very Hard to Find a keyboard that can out perform this one, Like I said before I'm 67 Years Old and have been a performing Musician since 1961, This is just the best Keyboard ever Produced.

Just a Dream Machine, I have been playing since 1961 and this is the most enjoyable Keyboard I have ever had the pleasure of Playing, When You start playing this Tyros You just can't stop, I have added a 40GB Hard Drive and now there is not limit to Styles and Voices You can store on the Drive, EXCELLENT!!, EXCELLENT!! I LOVE MY TYROS !! Thanks Yamaha

Easy use of the Owners Manual and the Supplied Disc for the Computer

Ease of Use
This Keyboard is layed out so nice even my 11 Year Old Grandaughter had no trouble finding all kinds of wonderful sounds.

I Don't care for the Silver Plastic (Gives it a Cheap Look) It would look much better in some kind of real wood enclosure or at least done in a high gloss Black Finish, But the Sound is unbelievable, the sound is what sold me Not it's appearence.

I also have the PSR-3000 and it is every bit as good as the Tyros and at less then half the price.

Manufacturer Support
On line services are Excellent, No Problem

The Wow Factor
The Cheap Silver Look has to go, (My Thoughts) it's ease of use is Outstanding read more and the Sound is Second to no other keyboard out there, The lights let you know where your at all the time, Thats Cool, I still think if this keyboard was available in High Gloss Black Finish, More would sell just because of the appearence.

Musical Background:
Active Musician

Musical Style:
Big Band & Smooth Jazz Standards 1920-1970
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