A Guide to Finding Musical Instruction and Music Schools

Music brings joy to many people throughout the world. Skillfully creating music either by singing or playing an instrument gives great satisfaction, not only to professional musicians, but also to ordinary people who just sing and play for the pure joy of it. However no one is born knowing how to play an instrument or even to sing well. Learning to make music from an instructor or vocal coach opens up a whole new dimension in a person’s life. That dimension is the pure joy of creativity, and expression.

Music Colleges

Going to a school of music is a huge step towards a wonderful future of both performance and teaching. There are many schools and colleges which offer a Bachelor of Science, Masters and even a PhD in music. Not all music programs are the same, and neither are music students. Prospective students may use the links below to discover a music school that is perfect for them.

Music Scholarships

These sites will help in discovering extra funds to help pay for the musical dreams of young students. There are many scholar ships just for musicians, in addition to general financial aid. Be sure to exhaust the resources made available by federal and private sources as well.

Music Teacher Listing Services

Finding a local music teacher can be challenging, but there are listing services on line to help. Additional information on local teachers could be obtained from local colleges, churches or music stores in the area. Finding a music instructor often involves asking around, but here are a few lists to get started. There are a wide variety of types of instructors, which vary from nice ladies who play piano, to concert pianists, and from church pastors to teens who play in club bands. Which type of teacher is best, depends on what the student wishes to learn.

Music Camps, Courses and Workshops

Summer music camps for kids are a lot of fun, and introduce children of all ages to music. Accomplished young musicians will also enjoy perfecting their skills while on retreat. Likewise adults often enjoy workshops and conferences which help them develop their talents or promote their careers. Short term music retreats are often very productive and enjoyable.

Music Lessons on Line

Some people are more comfortable learning to play music on line. This might be a great way to start learning, as well. Many people try online lessons before contacting a teacher. It’s a great way to learn the basics or brush up on old skills.

Free Music Lessons Online

Free introductory courses or beginner courses are a great way to try before you buy, or experiment with a new skill without committing to a teacher, or even telling anyone you are interested in learning. Try these out for a risk free sample of music lessons on line. Learn a few skills may help in finding the right instructor as well. Having a few skills and an overview of the instrument before contacting a teacher could be very helpful. There are many types of free lessons available but these are some of the more generous offerings.  

Online Resources

Here are a few additional resources and general information that may be helpful. These additional sites offer many different services which might be of assistance to music students, as they prepare for lessons or college.