A Career in Music: What's In It for Me?

An Introduction to Music Careers

When someone thinks of a music career, the first thing that usually comes to mind is a singer or a band member. While it’s true there are many music careers of this nature, there are several others in the field that people can consider. Some of these careers are highly competitive just like a singer or band member, yet others, though not as fame-filled, are still great options.


Charting Your Career

While a music career doesn’t always require a degree, those who aren’t looking to become famous singers or band members will likely need some sort of musical education to show they’ve got what it takes to get the job done. Possible degree programs include: Composition, Liberal Arts, Music Business, and Recording Technology. Other specialties may be available which will directly impact the possible music careers a person will be able to get into. For instance, a person who wants to help artists record their music should focus on getting a degree in Recording Technology. This will teach a person how to run the equipment in the studio to record an album.


Legal Basics for a Musician
The legalities of being a musician are pretty tough. Songs and musical arrangements are considered “intellectual property” which is protected under United States copyright law. Using any portion of an already made song, without the expressed written consent of the person or business that owns the copyright on the material, could lead to major legal issues. Creating a piece of music, without proper copyright protections in place, could also present problems if someone else tries to claim it as their own.

 It is also important to understand the basics of contract law, and to carefully read over any contract you are asked to sign in the music business. Signing something without understanding exactly what it means for you, and what it requires of you, could lead to serious trouble down the road.



 How to Succeed in the Music Industry

Success in the Music Industry is something many people look for, and yet, few are able to pull it off. Though there isn’t an exact science on how to succeed in the music industry, it doesn’t all rely on luck either. The key lies in getting your name and music out there, or letting people know about the service to musicians you provide. It’s going to mean a lot of hard work, a lot of long days, and free gigs, but eventually, you’ll make it. Moving to a big city such as New York or Los Angeles doesn’t always have to be the first move you make. Start playing gigs wherever you can, and spreading the word about your music. The more people who know about you the better, because word of mouth, and even social media are wonderful tools to help bring you success.